What is the difference between Tapping (standard EFT / Emotional Freedom Technique) and Matrix Reimprinting?

Featured image above: The latest EFT & Matrix Practitioners from Brighton.

When you work in the Matrix, and use EFT Tapping with our ECHOs (past selves) it is like participating in a play, being an actor in the theatre of our mind. It takes Tapping one step further.

Not only does it resolve the trauma, it changes the memory and creates supportive fields – it writes a happy ending.

With EFT there is often a void after a situation has been resolved. Matrix Reimprinting fills this void with supportive pictures and positive beliefs. Importantly, it sends a message to the body that the trauma is over, and through the reimprinting process it powerfully invokes the Law of Attraction.

It also quickly finds the belief system. We always ask the ECHO, (past self) ‘What was the belief or decision that you made that day?’ and we bring this information into our conscious mind and can then decide whether it serves us.

We can learn so much from interacting with our ECHOs, and gain new understanding why we’ve formed our beliefs. We can see how we’ve built up certain behaviour patterns or why our body has developed a disease.

Matrix Reimprinting gives us our belief blueprint and enables us to transform it in a systematic, creative and fluid way.

Here’s how you can find out more:

  1. You can watch this talk with Karl Dawson, the creator of Matrix Reimprinting where he discusses how tapping and Matrix Reimprinting can help you make lasting changes in your life.
  2. For the book readers among you, if you really want to dive in deep, you can get our Hay House best-selling book, ‘Transform Your Beliefs, Transform Your Life. EFT Tapping with Matrix Reimprinting’ by Karl Dawson & Kate Marillat

Available from all good bookshops and of course, Amazon

AND… if you do decide to get our book, then on the back page is a 50% discount code for your first Matrix Reimprinting session with a participating practitioner.

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